Specification structure generated by Z Word Tools


The following versions of Word are supported

  • Word 2000
  • Word XP
  • Word 2003
  • Word 2007
  • Word 2010 including 32 and 64 bit versions.
    Note that Click-to-Run downloads are supported, but setup is more difficult with
    Click-to-Run. I recommend that you download a Windows Installer version of Office 2010 if possible.
  • Word 2013
    Setup appears to work satisfactorily with Word 2013 click-to-run instalations.

Operating system

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8

Other programs

  • Java runtime is required if you want to work with Standard Z.
  • Graphviz is required if you want to generate diagrams.
  • fuzz is provided with the tools, but if you want to use the stand-alone spiveytostd.jar converter without the rest of the tools then you need to have fuzz as well.

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